Medication Assisted Treatment, commonly referred to as “MAT”, refers to the use of certain medications together with the various behavioral therapies for the treatment of addictive disorders. Medications such as Buprenorphine (available in the formulations Suboxone, Subutex, Zubsolv, Bunavil, Sublocade, and Probuphine) and Naltrexone (available in the formulations ReVia and Vivitrol) have been shown to be very effective in reducing rates of Opioid relapse. Naltrexone (available in the formulations ReVia and Vivitrol), Acomprosate (available in the formulation Campral), and Disulfiram (available in the formulation Antabuse) have been shown to be very effective in reducing rates of Alcohol relapse. The Delray Center has been successfully implementing MAT for over 15 years now, and it remains a central part of our treatment approach.
Patients first undergo a comprehensive evaluation to determine which Medication Assisted Treatment options are the most appropriate for them. Many individuals have struggled with relapse for many years and have never tried MAT. Many others have tried haphazardly structured MAT and experienced poor results. Both of these groups could really benefit for a well-organized, well-structured Medication Assisted Treatment program such as what is available at the Delray Center.
What was once considered not possible has since become the new standard of care for addiction treatment.