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Florida Addiction Center
Addiction is a deadly disease and one that the U.S. is currently struggling to treat. A huge cause for the current opiate epidemic originally was pill mills and negligent doctors that overprescribed. Doctors and psychiatrists today are more cautious when it comes to prescribing drugs, and keeping an eye out of drug-seeking behaviors, which are...
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While the US has been focused on the on-going opiate epidemic, another addiction has overtaken American youth: vaping.   Vaping, or the use of an electronic cigarette that mimics traditional smoking, has been increasing among teens in the US. A liquid, typically containing nicotine but can also include hash or marijuana, is heated to generate...
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A recent medical study uncovered a new method for opiate detox that doesn’t require prolonged maintenance or the use of opioid drugs, but instead treats withdrawal symptoms using a combination of tizanidine, hydroxyzine and gabapentin. Hydroxyzine for opiate withdrawal protocol consists of 8mg of muscle relaxant, tizanidine, every six hours; 100mg of the antihistamine, hydroxyzine,...
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Heroin is by far the most well-known opioid right now. With the opioid epidemic in full swing, detox and drug addiction centers are seeing an influx of patients. Many are wondering what they can expect during a opiate detox. Here are the most common symptoms that are associated with opioid withdrawal.   Common Symptoms A...
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