Addiction is a deadly disease and one that the U.S. is currently struggling to treat. A huge cause for the current opiate epidemic originally was pill mills and negligent doctors that overprescribed. Doctors and psychiatrists today are more cautious when it comes to prescribing drugs, and keeping an eye out of drug-seeking behaviors, which are...Read More
Did you know that half of all new drug users are under the age of 18? Curiosity and experimentation play a big role in teenage drug use. Many life-long addictions begin in the teenage years and can result in long-term consequences. Some drugs are more commonly abused than others in this demographic though. Alcohol...Read More
The United States is in the midst of an opiate epidemic. Since 2000, nearly 400,000 Americans have died of opioid-related causes. Treating opioid addiction is hard, and this class of drugs is known to have intense cravings and severe withdrawal symptoms. Currently, there are a few medications available for treating opiate addiction. The main...Read More
Fact 1: Alcohol Addiction is the Most Prevalent Alcohol may be legal and socially acceptable, but it’s the most common addiction in the US (after nicotine). In 2018, there were around 18 million people struggling with alcohol addiction. Due to how socially acceptable alcohol is, including binge drinking, many people do not realize they...Read More
Drug addiction is still one of the more taboo factions of mental health. Many people struggle to understand that addiction is a disease similar to depression or the flu. Although there are around 36 million people struggling with opiate addiction around the world, there are still many misconceptions about here. So we’ve debunked some...Read More
Detox and rehab treatments fall into one of two categories- inpatient or outpatient. Both focus on safe drug withdrawals and working on rehabilitation, but there are some differences. Here at Delray Center for Addiction Medicine, we offer a full-service outpatient detox program, but that may not be the best choice for everyone. Here are...Read More