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The US is in the middle of an opioid epidemic. There are over 2.1 million people in the US currently struggling with opiate addiction. Suboxone is the best treatment option available currently for helping addicts get off dangerous opioids such as heroin and prescription pills. Even though medically assisted treatment is helpful, many people buy into common myths about Suboxone treatments. We’re here to debunk them.


Myth 1: Suboxone is trading one addiction for another

People who believe this myth don’t understand the important role medication plays in opioid withdrawal treatment. There are very real and dangerous side effects of an opiate withdrawal. While suboxone can be addictive and abused, it’s a very small percentage of people that do. Suboxone is an FDA approved treatment, is facilitated by trained professionals, and is much safer than illicit opioids.


Myth 2: Suboxone is for weak people

We often hear people say that getting medical assistance for withdrawal is the weak way. There is nothing weak about asking for help when needed. Quitting cold turkey may sound “strong”, but it has very low success rates and can be extremely challenging. If it was that easy to quit, the US couldn’t be going through an epidemic. Addiction alters the mind and body, and simply stopping isn’t a long-term solution.


Myth 3: You can overdose on Suboxone

Opioids are so dangerous because overdoses are extremely common. While Suboxone is a partial opioid, it only activates certain parts of the brain so there is a less intense effect. This makes it very difficult to overdose on Suboxone. Suboxone also works by creating a “ceiling effect” where opioid receptions are limited, meaning people taking it cannot experience a high beyond a certain point. This reduces the chances of overdosing.


Myth 4: Suboxone gives the same high as heroin

A common myth is that suboxone gives the same high as heroin and prescription opioids. Suboxone may create a slight euphoric effect, but it is much weaker than the high created by heroin. In fact, most people stop feeling these effects after taking Suboxone for a while. Doctors ask patients to report any side effects like this so they can adjust the dosage.


Myth 5: If you’re on Suboxone you’re still an addict

This myth buys into the first falsehood that suboxone treatment is trading one addiction for another. Suboxone is simply meant to support people during opioid detox and while they’re figuring their lives out. Many people think that while you’re on any medication you’re still an addict. One of the first things we tell people in recovery is that you’ll always be an addict. Addictions don’t go away no matter how long it’s been since you’ve used. So yes, you will still be an addict while on Suboxone but no you aren’t abusing drugs.


Contact us to learn more about Suboxone treatments and to begin getting help!