If you’re struggling with opiate addiction you’ve likely come across suboxone treatment. Suboxone is a common drug used to help with opioid withdrawal. This is a promising and effective treatment for many people struggling with addiction, but it isn’t for everywhere. Here is what makes a good and bad candidate for Suboxone treatment. Good...Read More
The US is in the middle of an opioid epidemic. There are over 2.1 million people in the US currently struggling with opiate addiction. Suboxone is the best treatment option available currently for helping addicts get off dangerous opioids such as heroin and prescription pills. Even though medically assisted treatment is helpful, many people buy...Read More
Suboxone treatment has become the go-to option for opioid addiction. If your doctor has determined suboxone is the best course of treatment for your addiction, here is what to expect when you begin taking it. There is an Induction Phase Everyone reacts differently to medication, so doctors will begin you on Suboxone in...Read More
As the opiate epidemic continues to ravage the US, the number of babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) increases. NAS occurs when a pregnant woman takes opioid drugs during the pregnancy. The baby is born dependents on them, and withdrawal at such a young age can be deadly. NAS begins a few days...Read More
Suboxone detox is Delray Center for Addiction Medicine’s preferred method of treating opiate withdrawal and addiction. While many people have heard of Suboxone before, not many people know exactly what it is. Suboxone is actually a brand name for a combination medicine that includes buprenorphine and naloxone. This combination has been proven to...Read More
There are two popular medications used to treat opiate addictions, Methadone and Suboxone treatment. Both are commonly used across the US as replacements for harmful opiates such as heroin. They work to curb drug cravings and assist in opiate detoxes. While the two are similar, here at Delray Center for Addiction Medicine we prefer...Read More
Suboxone is an approved medication used to treat opiate addiction. It’s used both for opiate detox and to help prevent relapse. Here at Delray Center for Addiction Medicine, we have been successfully using Suboxone treatments in Delray Beach for years. This medication helps reduce opiate cravings and opiate withdrawal symptoms. But how do you know...Read More